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Free Email Marketing Training Available for all our students.
Email marketing is the most profitable direct marketing platform, generating an average return on investment of £31.52 ($42) fon every £0.75 ($1) spent (DMA, 2019).
Companies who send automated emails are 133% more likely to send relevant messages that correspond with a customer?s purchase cycle. Over 75% of email revenue is generated by triggered campaigns, rather than one size fits all campaigns. Automated email campaigns account for 21% of email marketing revenue.
Email should be the key to your digital marketing strategy. To not do any email marketing is like leaving money on the floor.
No! Email marketing isn?t just sending emails to subscribers. There?s more to it.
Email marketing is the process of sending optimized commercial messages through email to targeted consumers. It includes a process of developing promotional emails, testing, and maintaining them as well.
Email marketing can be used to increase sales, improve brand loyalty, and deliver important information.
Do you want to learn how to use Email Marketing to boost your results?
If YES!, all you have to do is to be a member of Disabled Entrepreneurs students program now, select "Email Marketing + Mailingboss".
Or click here to access the training now.
This free training (available to all Disabled Entrepreneur students users) has everything you need to become an amazing "Email Marketer"!