Disabled Entrepreneur DISABILIY Business News

When you finally work out how to make living from home things happen for your situation it is one of the most amazing feelings.

All of a sudden you will realize that you are working on a brand-new business that can be a success!. All the hours of creativity, late nights and hard work are going directly into an asset that you own.

And that is damn cool!

Here are some major benefits, I?ve found:

1. You can set your own hours of work

Some people, no matter what they try, cannot get used to 7 Am starts. Well, when you work from home you can work from 12 pm to 8 pm if that suits you better.

2. There?s more flexibility in your time

Just like setting your own work time, generally speaking, you?ll have more freedom to pick up the kids from school, go to the gym or run some errands. You need to still work the hours, but it can often be done, no matter when.

You?re growing your own baby into existence                               

As mentioned, when you work from home on your business you are building something that is just right for you. The asset is yours.

3. No more office politics

When I want to catch up with friends its only a matter of minutes before they start talking about some work drama. Sometimes it can be a serious source of stress. None of that in the comfort of your own home.

4. The earning potential is more

Unless you are an investment banker or surgeon, chances are there is more potential income running your business from home as opposed to a regular career-type job. This is especially true for online businesses. Note that I say ?potential income? ? it?s not guaranteed.

5. You can do some good if done correct

If you are able to set your business up so that you have more time, and especially if you make a decent income, you?ll be free to do more things like volunteering, charity donations, etc. This is a huge motivating factor for me.

6. Everyone will find their own joys and stresses when it comes to working from home.

The important thing is to weigh up the pros and cons then make your decision based on calculated risks, not a blind belief, If you would like to download our FREE home business guide for tips on how to succeed running your own home business.


working at home