Disabled Entrepreneur DISABILIY Business News
Hi, all you disabled entrepreneurs,
I hope you are all living up to the best of your abilities?
First, I would like to apologize to our newsletter subscribers as I have not been sending out our weekly newsletters on time. thank you all for alerting us. Our reason is we have been so busy working on our exciting new business adventure
So what's the new business?
So we put it on our self to help disabled people to have the option to be able to work from home. so www.hybridemployment.com was born to do this Job.
Please, if you have any free time on your hands and would like to be involved, please email us.
All feedback on the website and the software layout shown on the image below, even if you have ideas to market this or things that we can add to the menu will be appreciated.
As our aim has always been to increase Disabled Entrepreneurship across the world and to live your business life to its full potential by using the best of your abilities. with our FREE initial services like our mentoring package.
We will rocket you towards business success and achievements, so please go check out our FREE goodie's page on our website at www.disabledentrepreneurs.co.uk.
As we want you to be a success in your market, We have decided to randomly choose 1 business per month a post to pin to the top of our wall on our FB page, FREE Publicity for you Business!
To qualify:
Like our FB page & Group
Follow us on LinkedIn
Disabled owned business
Design your free advert post
Quote #businesscompetition in comments
Good Luck