Disabled Entrepreneur DISABILIY Business News

Disabled Business Support Engagement

Inspiring Potential

Southwark Council has launched an engagement forum for businesses inspiring and motivating disabled entrepreneurs to share their views on how we can offer support that is right for their business. We?re particularly keen to hear from disabled entrepreneurs to make sure we?re doing all we can to support disabled-led businesses and disabled people into self-employment.


It would be brilliant if you could please help us promote our engagement forum across your networks.


The programme will support Southwark-based micro businesses. It will support people at all stages: from those individuals exploring self-employment, right through to business founders who want to scale up and grow an established business.


A core aim of the service is that it supports people from those groups who are most underrepresented in business. This means entrepreneurs from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, as well as women, disabled people, and young people.


We know that people have very different experiences of accessing business support and some issues are complex. We?re exploring some of these issues in more detail and want to ensure that the people who will be using the business support service have the chance to shape what they get from it.


We would very much appreciate your support in helping promote the engagement forum with your networks. Attached is a long and short version of some copy you can use to promote the forum, but feel free to tailor this to the businesses you work with.


The deadline for responses is 12 December.


Please share widely with your networks and across your engagement channels.


Many thanks for your support,