Disabled Entrepreneur DISABILIY Business News

Well Entrepreneurs

Who would have thought of a worldwide epidemic could happen in today's world of medical science breakthroughs, this is proof that anything is possible

Life is even harder to live with a health problem, Now this! sometimes it may seem like we are not allowed to be happy in this world, we must remember happiness is where the heart is ? 

Please try to get your shopping in for winter, i have a funny feeling it will be a rough ride., you might find popular items like milk and bread at corner shops. Also check your meds to make sure you have enough to last you through winter!.

Take this time to learn a new skill and keep your mind active and join our Student club

I have a present for you,

Hopefully, it will put a smile on your face. CLAIM YOUR FREE GIFT!   

Stay Safe & Take Care

Team DE & Shane Bratby