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??While the beer bottling process has been around for a long time, beer canning is something that many breweries have taken advantage of for years as well. But there are certain advantages to beer canning that aren?t offered by beer bottling. For one, bottles are a lot heavier than cans, and they are more difficult to store. But more than this, beer bottles are not as hygienic as beer cans, and they are even harder to sanitise, which will end up affecting your beer?s taste, quality, and your customers? safety. But what other benefits are provided by beer canning as opposed to beer bottling? If you are thinking of replacing beer bottling with beer canning in your brewery business, you should know what to expect from canning and why it is more advantageous than bottling. What are the real benefits of canning your beer? Here, your main questions are answered.
Beer canning is much easier for storage
Sharing a bottle of beer with friends and family is already a given when we have gatherings and parties, and for those who are planning to bring some beer to an outdoor picnic or the beach, the park, the pool, and so on, cans are a much better option. What makes it an even better option is the fact that beer cans chill much more quickly than beer bottles, and they are lighter and more compact, making them perfect for storage in coolers. It?s the same if you have a beer brewing business as well ? it would be much easier for you to store your beer cans because you can stack the cans on top of each other, and it takes up less storage space as opposed to beer bottles.
Beer canning is less costly for transit and shipping, and safer, too
You can boost your efficiency in transit and shipping with the use of beer cans, and you can even improve your efficiency by as much as 50%. As already mentioned, a beer can is lighter and has a more compact size and shape compared to a bottle, since an empty bottle weighs approximately 7 ounces while an empty beer can will weigh only around half an ounce.
Also, transporting beer cans is safer compared to bottles. You don't have to worry about bottles getting broken, and beer getting spilt. If you are planning to ship your beer to different parts of the country or even other areas of the globe, then safety in transit and reduced costs in shipping are primary factors to consider. When you invest in a beer canning machine, the investment will pay for itself in the end just through your reduced shipping costs and peace of mind regarding safety alone.
Beer canning is better for flavour, quality, and taste
When you use cans in your facility rather than bottles, you can eliminate the harmful effects of light and oxygen on your beer. Light and oxygen can definitely spoil your beer in many ways, resulting in ?skunked? beer, which has an unpleasant taste and smell. And even if you use brown bottles rather than green or clear bottles, light can still penetrate through it. With cans, you don?t have that problem at all. Beer cans are sealed hermetically, which prevents oxygen from seeping into the beer as well.